For public health systems

systèmes de santé publics publieke gezondheidssystemen

Most countries in the world recognise the right to health. Yet at least 400 million people worldwide lack access to essential health care. Inequalities are everywhere. They make people sick.

Being able to go to the doctor is not the only condition for good health. Social factors determine 85% of our health. A healthy living environment, safe working conditions, access to clean water and good nutrition are of vital importance. To ensure the right to health for all, social justice must therefore be a priority. For this, we need a strong public health system: accessible, cheaper, more efficient, more democratic and of better quality for patients and staff alike. Just look at the success of the Cuban public health system.

Our objectives

We demand that institutions engaged in international solidarity, such as international cooperation organisations, the World Health Organisation, the European Commission and the World Bank, put the right to health first. Our health should be in the hands of the public. In the coming years we will campaign on the global health workforce crisis, the impact of global trade policy on the privatisation of health and the importance of strong primary health care to improve people’s health.

Our collaborations

We can’t do it alone. We collaborate with activist organisations in the Philippines, Palestine and DR Congo. In Belgium, we are members of the Be-cause health platform, the Platform Action Santé & Solidarité and the international solidarity domes 11.11.11 and CNCD-11.11.11.

At the international level, we play an active role in the international right to health movement, the People’s Health Movement. We are also members of a number of networks that oppose the commercialisation and privatisation of health: the Consortium Against the Commercialisation of Health, the European Network Against the Commercialisation and Privatisation of Health and Social Protection and the Geneva Global Health Hub. Because together we are stronger!


Jasper Thys

Policy & Campaign

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Share the vaccine, not the virus!

With the advent of vaccines, there is growing hope that the coronavirus pandemic will soon be over. But no one will be safe until we are all safe. That’s why it’s vital that the vaccine is available to everyone. And to achieve this, we must act. Share the vaccine, not the virus.

Articles and analysis